2021 Christmas Newsletter

Dear family & friends,

Merry Christmas! I hope y’all are doing well and staying warm. I love how this season provides so many opportunities to reach out to those we care about—even if we’ve lost contact for a while. With that said, I’d like to fill you in on what I’ve been up to this year:

  • Jan-Apr 2021: Living my best life; work, school, church service, etc.
  • May 2021: I quit my job at Weber State to become a full-time student, working on my bachelor’s degree in Child & Family Advocacy, and certification as a Family Life Educator (CFLE) with the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).
  • June 2021: I moved down to Sandy, UT, renting out Miranda & Scott’s basement (my sister and bro-in-law). They have been so gracious to let me live with them, and I’ve loved every moment of uncle time with their baby, Joshua (born March 2021).
  • July-Sept 2021: Filled with lots of paddle boarding, homework, and making new friends! For most of you, the photos I’ve sent are from this period of 2021.
  • Oct-Dec 2021: Starting to do more volunteer work, such as becoming an “active listener” with 7Cups.com (check it out!) and facilitating an emotional resilience class at church (imagine a synthesis of cognitive behavioral therapy & gospel principles).

Looking forward, I’m starting an internship in January with MentorWorks, a program that helps addicts, alcoholics, and ex-offenders reintegrate into society. This will be an intensive 4-month internship that will hopefully open some doors for employment when I graduate in April 2022.

Finally, I just want to reaffirm my gratitude and love for each of you. Thanks for being a part of my story and letting me be a part of yours.

If you would like to see pictures from my 2021 adventures, check out my 2021 Triumphs post!

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